Making impact with


The Challenge

Healthcare systems globally are under strain. According to the WHO in 2017 50% of people globally lacked access to essential healthcare services, while in developed countries (with aging populations) there is a rise in chronic diseases, accelerating healthcare worker shortages, and healthcare costs outpacing inflation.


The Solution

Increasing access to, and reducing the costs of, good quality healthcare by investing in companies providing solutions across digital health, health technology, health services, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring.

The Market Opportunity

The rising costs of healthcare and the threat posed by shortages of healthcare professionals call for improvements in utilization and efficiency. Innovations in Health & Social Care, MedTech, and Digital Health present attractive opportunities to disrupt and improve healthcare systems.

The Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted progress towards essential health services, triggered an increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression, and slowed progress on ending other diseases. Investments in companies built to enhance access, affordability and quality of health outcomes can accelerate progress towards good health and wellbeing for all.

Together we can change the way we invest

Contact Collective Action today for more information
+31 20 303 4550